Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Week In Uruguay

on the horse

In my easter holidays here in Argentina, I spent my time in Uruguay for one week with my family. It was really nice and the weather was just great. Not comparable with the storm the last days here in BA but luckily the sun just came out. I feel so sorry for the neigbourhoods who were flooded by the water and at least 46 people died. In our "barrio", we had much luck not having a flood.

We drove about 5 hours to get to the "campo"- a farm in the middle of nowhere, including horses, dogs, cattles and fields of soja and mais.
In the house were living friends of my hostfamiliy and we were not the only visitors at that time. Every time we were about 15 to 20 persons and I met a lot of people. Some had another farm "near" the house or were  friends from Montevideo(where Ive been to one day).
The fact that Im a vegetarian made myself feel a bit uncomfortable because they always had to cook another food for me but they really had no problem with that and that made me happy.
In Uruguay and Argentina as well, people eat four times a day. The most in the evening and always, here in the deap country of Uruguay, meat. No wonder, they use their cattle to export but also to eat them themselves.

All the children, who were regulary coming to the campo rided the horses perfectly, even a 5 year old girl. I was only a few times on a horse but the first day here I did it pretty well. We rided through the fields and watched the sun setting. It was pretty romantic. Sometimes the moon had at first clolors like red or yellow and I was really stunned by that.

me on the horse
all the chidlren on the farm on horses

Well, the first day was great, but the following day I didnt have my horse under control. When it started running like crazy I fell of the horse pretty hard, couldnt breath for a minute and was just shocked. I call it my self experience, but of couse I had much luck nothing, exept of some bruises, happened to me.
Another great
experience I had on the farm was the chance getting to now a farm life: I watched them seperating the cattles, how they vaccinated them and they did much on their horse: here you
call the cowboys "gauchos". I also saw a lot of fields and and saw soja in its actual form for my first time. Of course, I always had a strange feeling watching the cattles while knowing they are supposed to die but still: I didnt think about that too much and just enjoyed having the chance to be here, on a real farm in Uruguay; probably similar to the ones in Argentina.

I didnt only learn how to ride (a little bit at least) but also to DRIVE! A boy, 14 years old, drove like he never did something else and the father of Martina just said: "Come, Ill  show you how to drive". I had a lot of fun and hopefully I wont forget my knowledge for the drivers licence in Germany.

Punta Del Este

waves of the atlantic

sunset on the beach

I didnt just spent my time on the farm: we also visitet THE hot spot of Uruguay- Punta Del Este.  place, everyone of the locals in Uruguay and the rest of Latinamerica is going. Its place full of grand hotels. long beaches, on the one side full of surfers, and on the other side of the "point" silent sea. I got brown a bit, smelled the sea and heard the sound of the was beautful but the huge hotels annoyed me. I prefer beaches surrounded by nature :)

Montevideo was interesting too: kind of small Buenos Aires but it was obvious that the city didnt have much money to restore the old buildungs. The beaches there were beautiful, even though it wasnt the sea-> its the widest river in the world so at the first sight you though it was the sea.

main plaza of Montevideo
I enjoyed my time in Uruguay and will always think with happiness about the friendly people I met and the beautiful sunsets over the stunning landscape of Uruguay.
ou yeah

La familia en Uruguay

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