Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Iguazu Falls

Wow, what a week Ive just been through. I must say, what Ive seen there was one of the most stunning things Ive eber seen in my short life so far. What im talking about are the gigantic waterfalls called "Cataratas de Iguazu" on the boarder to Brazil and Paraguay but mostly located here in Argentina.

my great friend and me

in the bus

Half of the group of the germans took the bus to drive there cause it was a lot cheaper. After an 18 hour during drive through the landscape of the "campo" of Argentina you could saw nothing but nature and some small villages. When we woke up in the morning the landscape had changed and a view over red roads expected us. The trees and forests around us got deeper and you could see many palmtrees and other interesting things such as seas and never ending roads.
At 3 pm we finally arrived in the small town called "Puerto de Iguazu"-a town full of hostels and hotels
and mostly touristic agencies.

Iguazu Falls Hostel

Our hostel was a sweet little place with a pool and just really nice. We met some nice people there from all over the world, cooked together and swimmed in the pool. The only thing that bothered us was the fact that eating outside was extremely expensive compared to the prices in Buenos Aires. A normal sandwich costed about 45 pesos (about 8$US or 6 euros!!) so we directly decided after the first day to cook for ourselves.
The rest of our first day we spent hanging out at the pool and walking in the evening to the port of Iguazu. A silent place full of peace and harmony. 

Our next day began early with a great breakfast (we only paid about 10$US dollar a night and even got a breakfast!) with one medialuna(croissant) and some bred with marmelade. Then the bus of our booked tour came and our adventure began.
Just after half an hour of driving we arrived at the nationalpark of Iguazu. There we walked just about 20 minutes, took a train that drove us through the forest until we arrived at our first point. From there we walked over some rivers, through the jungle until we got to the most popular and biggest waterfall "Gigante del diablo". You got wet all over your body and could barely speak because of the loud noise the waterfalls made. My mouth just stood open and I couldnt say any word. Never saw such a beautiful and immense thing in my life.

on our way...

oh you can already hear the waterfall!

Then we went back and started walking another rail to see the rest of the waterfalls. We walked even over them and sometimes i was so near them I could literally FEEL their energy and power. Surrounded by amazing nature, water, sun, trees (I could list a thousand of things) I felt like in paradise.
In the middle of the waterfalls was a little island (Isla de San Martin) and with a boat we drove there and relaxed at the beach. most amazing beach !!

there the island!

taken by a friend
Because I didnt have more batterie I took much better fotos from the brazilian side. Because the next day we drove to Bazil! Im very proud Ive already been there now. There you had a much better view over the whole waterfalls but in Argentina wou were like inside everything. Hearing portuguez was funny after hearing spanish the whole time but luckily everybody understood you when you spoke spanish whith them.

brazilian boarder


the wind is blowing me away!

weird looking animals stealing food all the time

i could post hundred of photos of the waterfalls

Our last day we made a trip into the jungle! In the morning we drove with a huge jeep through the forest, deeper and deeper. It was called canoping and we climbed and drove with a rip over the trees. I will add some fotos in the future. This experience was the perfect ending of an unforgattable experience here in America del Sur. I recommend everyone in the world who is reading this: its worth the money visiting this place. I call it a once in a lifetime experience :)
Now just one months of my argentinian adventure is left and than Its alreday time to get home...

our group <3

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