Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Tigre Delta

Not far away from Buenos Aires city a beautiful water scenery takes place: the rivers of Tigre-a small town just about 30 minutes away from the centre. The paradox thing is that you feel so far way at this place, as if you were in the middle of land surounded by nature even though the big city's not waiting far away from you.
The Tigre Delta is the place where many rivers run out from the big river "Paraná" which flows right from the Iguazú falls.
On the weekend, my hostfamily and me met their really nice friends and drove with their motorboat deeper and deeper over the rivers. I had so much fun on the boat because the friend drove so fast, the wind almost blew me away and the boat was going up and down.
Passing beautiful landscape with stunning trees and the endless water, I felt again, like so many times before, astonished by the pure beauty of nature. While crossing many houses placed near the shores to the river, always with a small bridge in front of it, my hostmother told me some things about this place.
The rivers were not very crowded at that time because winter is starting but, regarding my hostmother, in summer its full of boats and people in canoes.
Another important thing I noticed was the change of the air-it was fresh and appeard much cleaner to me than in the big city.
Along the river, apart from private houses, there existed restaurants, cafés and supermarkets as well-everything being reached by boat of course. Even a boat, crossing the rivers up and down the whole day, selled petrol and other important things like food. A taxi boat was also shipping people from one point to the other.
Arrived at the property of Martin, the father of the other family, a beautiful place expected us:. A cute house with two fireplaces, rooms for everyone to sleep in and a great view over the enormous garden planted with natural orange and manderine trees, palmtrees and other trees already colored in yellow and red because of autumn.
In the evening I ate a "Milanesa de berenjena"-like a german schnitzel only with aubergines, tomatoes and mozzarela. Really yummy!
The following and last day of my trip to tigre, we again drove by boat to the grand "Río Pananá", listened to some good argentine music and just enjoying, luckily, the good weather. As we returned back to the house, we made a barbecue-asado-the most tipical thing a "portenño" is doing on sundays. Apart from meat, they grilled potatoes, aubergines, pumpkins and paprika with eggs.
The few hours that were left untli we would return back to Buenos Aires, we spent our time on the shore, relaxing or reading and after the afternoon tea -"merenda"- we started packing the things on the boat...
2 weeks left of my argentinian exchange!

the "asado" house

driving fast with the boat...

relaxing on the beach...

friends & family <3

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